happy client free from here fear of heights
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Quick Contact Me:

By E-Mail: Turan@feel-good.today By Phone: Office: 028 94 45 34 77 Mobile: 077 53 23 41 77
feedback on clients fear of heights feedback on clients fear of heights

Fear of Heights Case


An important part of business is to network with others so I can spread the word about how I can help people in their personal and business life. Incorporated into that networking process is the use of social media such as Facebook and X (formally Twitter). I can highly recommend X and in particular the various evening network ‘hours’ available within Northern Ireland. These hours are opportunities for local (and sometimes further-a-field) businesses to get to know each other and to spread the word about what they can provide in terms of products and services and even opening up new possible contacts. The idea of these hours are to network and interact from the comfort of your home without the need to drive to networking meetings during the day. As a result they are very convenient. Just like face-to-face network meetings the chat and discussion is not purely about business. There are numerous ‘hours’ in Northern Ireland, where we are based, such as #AntrimHour from 8-9pm on a Monday night, hosted by Louise Brogan from Social Beehive (@SocialBeeNI on X) or #CastlereaghHour, hosted by Inspire business Centre on a Tuesday night form 9-10pm or #BelfastHour from 9-10pm on Thursday night, hosted by solicitor firm Edwards&Co. 2024 Update: most of these ‘hours’ have now stopped. It was during #BelfastHour, one of Northern Ireland’s top network hours, that a chat about, of all things, staplers that looked like high heel shoes that the chat quickly turned to Rosemary’s (from Red Office Supplies) fear of heights. It was clear to me [Turan] that this was a very serious phobia from even the brief chat that was taking place. As you can read, Rosemary had now got to the point where she could not drive over bridges as her fear of heights had developed so severely. From this simple chat on X I had a talk with Rosemary privately and then sent her a client form to gather some basic info about her fear and how she would know when it had gone. The speed at which she returned the form showed that she was serious about wanting to change. Within a few days a date was set for me [Turan] to make a home visit to work on her phobia. At first the most convenient time for Rosemary was 6:30 in the evening. Now this disappointed me, not because it was an evening visit, because I do accommodate clients and do evening visits regularly. I was disappointed because my number one go-to place for fear of heights clients is the tall viewing gallery in the wonderful Victoria Square shopping complex in the centre of Belfast, but it closes in the evening so I knew I would not be able to test Rosemary’s change on that occasion. Never the less, the customer comes first so the date was agreed. Testing is not essential but it is satisfying, for both the client and myself, to see the clients reaction when they have overcome a fear. By luck, something came up and Rosemary had to call and request another time a few days later, this time at 10am. This was wonderful news for me as I was back on plan for testing the change. The day came and I arrived promptly at 10am at Rosemary’s home. By 11am the hypnosis session was complete and the change in Rosemary was clear to be seen. For myself that was not enough, I quickly asked if Rosemary had some extra time to spare - I had asked her not to make any other arrangements before noon that day. She confirmed she was free and it was only at that point that I asked her if she would like to go to Victoria Square. She was a bit taken back at the thought, but was keen to go. She ask if her husband could join her and of course my answer was yes. At this point I’ll say the cliché “the rest is history”, as you can see from the video and the follow-up comments below. I hope you enjoyed this tale.
feedback on clients fear of heights 2 years later
2 Years on - does it last? People often ask “does this hypnosis stuff last?” Well I saw Rosemary back in March of 2017. Following a video interview with myself, Turan, from the lovely team at Profile Tree (you can check out the video here PROFILETREE VIDEO ) Rosemary, tweeted the following on the 2nd Jan 2019. Hopefully that helps to answer the question, as it is now coming close to two years since I worked with her. Hypnosis lasts, it creates a new neural connection inside that stays there.
belfast hour #belfasthour header image image of twitter conversation about hypnosis

“If my friends

could see me


Check out this Fear of

Heights Testimonial Video

Straight after our hypnosis session we went to a viewing gallery in a Belfast shopping mall called Victory Square, check out her response.


Subscribe to my mailing list and get a FREE eBook From time to time I like to send out e-mails to keep you informed of what I am up to, events I’m attending, new info on hypnosis, news of my latest training events etc.

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happy client free from here fear of heights
Cookies are used on this site - read my Privacy Policy © Feel Good Hypnosis 2015-2024

Quick Contact Me:

By E-Mail: Turan@feel-good.today By Phone: Office: 028 94 45 34 77 Mobile: 077 53 23 41 77
feedback on clients fear of heights feedback on clients fear of heights

Fear of Heights

Case Study

An important part of business is to network with others so I can spread the word about how I can help people in their personal and business life. Incorporated into that networking process is the use of social media such as Facebook and X (formally Twitter). I can highly recommend X and in particular the various evening network ‘hours’ available within Northern Ireland. These hours are opportunities for local (and sometimes further-a-field) businesses to get to know each other and to spread the word about what they can provide in terms of products and services and even opening up new possible contacts. The idea of these hours are to network and interact from the comfort of your home without the need to drive to networking meetings during the day. As a result they are very convenient. Just like face-to-face network meetings the chat and discussion is not purely about business. There are numerous ‘hours’ in Northern Ireland, where we are based, such as #AntrimHour from 8-9pm on a Monday night, hosted by Louise Brogan from Social Beehive (@SocialBeeNI on X) or #CastlereaghHour, hosted by Inspire business Centre on a Tuesday night form 9-10pm or #BelfastHour from 9- 10pm on Thursday night, hosted by solicitor firm Edwards&Co. 2024 Update: most of these ‘hours’ have now stopped. It was during #BelfastHour, one of Northern Ireland’s top network hours, that a chat about, of all things, staplers that looked like high heel shoes that the chat quickly turned to Rosemary’s (from Red Office Supplies) fear of heights. It was clear to me [Turan] that this was a very serious phobia from even the brief chat that was taking place. As you can read, Rosemary had now got to the point where she could not drive over bridges as her fear of heights had developed so severely. From this simple chat on X I had a talk with Rosemary privately and then sent her a client form to gather some basic info about her fear and how she would know when it had gone. The speed at which she returned the form showed that she was serious about wanting to change. Within a few days a date was set for me [Turan] to make a home visit to work on her phobia. At first the most convenient time for Rosemary was 6:30 in the evening. Now this disappointed me, not because it was an evening visit, because I do accommodate clients and do evening visits regularly. I was disappointed because my number one go-to place for fear of heights clients is the tall viewing gallery in the wonderful Victoria Square shopping complex in the centre of Belfast, but it closes in the evening so I knew I would not be able to test Rosemary’s change on that occasion. Never the less, the customer comes first so the date was agreed. Testing is not essential but it is satisfying, for both the client and myself, to see the clients reaction when they have overcome a fear. By luck, something came up and Rosemary had to call and request another time a few days later, this time at 10am. This was wonderful news for me as I was back on plan for testing the change. The day came and I arrived promptly at 10am at Rosemary’s home. By 11am the hypnosis session was complete and the change in Rosemary was clear to be seen. For myself that was not enough, I quickly asked if Rosemary had some extra time to spare - I had asked her not to make any other arrangements before noon that day. She confirmed she was free and it was only at that point that I asked her if she would like to go to Victoria Square. She was a bit taken back at the thought, but was keen to go. She ask if her husband could join her and of course my answer was yes. At this point I’ll say the cliché “the rest is history”, as you can see from the video and the follow-up comments below. I hope you enjoyed this tale.
feedback on clients fear of heights 2 years later
2 Years on - does it last? People often ask “does this hypnosis stuff last?” Well I saw Rosemary back in March of 2017. Following a video interview with myself, Turan, from the lovely team at Profile Tree (you can check out the video here PROFILETREE VIDEO ) Rosemary, tweeted the following on the 2nd Jan 2019. Hopefully that helps to answer the question, as it is now coming close to two years since I worked with her. Hypnosis lasts, it creates a new neural connection inside that stays there.
belfast hour #belfasthour header image image of twitter conversation about hypnosis

“If my friends

could see me


Check out this Fear of

Heights Testimonial Video

Straight after our hypnosis session we went to a viewing gallery in a Belfast shopping mall called Victory Square, check out her response.


Subscribe to my mailing list and get a FREE eBook From time to time I like to send out e-mails to keep you informed of what I am up to, events I’m attending, new info on hypnosis, news of my latest training events etc.

With Compliments

Books and Mp3’s

As well as my books you’ll find a range of mp3 downloads you will love. You can listen to these in the comfort of your own home and enjoy an hypnosis experience.
Link to Books and Free Audios Link to Books and Free Audios Link to Subscribe to Feel Good Hypnosis Link to Subscribe to Feel Good Hypnosis

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